5 Steps to Consider When Branding a Product

Creating a brand is very much like writing a letter. You have a message that you need to deliver, and you’ll be using a familiar lingo to the intended audience. Hence, when creating a brand, take these 5 steps into consideration:

  1. Find the message that you want to deliver 
      1. what the brand is intended for, 
      2. what you want to say about the brand and 
      3. how you want people to perceive it. 
  2. Know your audience 
      1. gender, age, social background, education 
      2. economic background, 
      3. geographical location, etc. 
  3. Choose the proper words that best describe your product as they will be communicated through slogans, mantras and other written content. 
  4. Choose the proper colors, typefaces, and shapes that best interpret your brand to be used with the logo and other corporate identity items. 
  5. Be consistent with the identity you give your brand, or else, your brand won’t reach out to the people like it should, and it will lose its essence. 

Author: Lama Lawand